Polysol Zinc

Polysol Zinc

Premium Products’ Polysol Zinc is a chrome free, high performance zinc flake coating system. It can be used itself as a basecoat and topcoat or it can be used with PPI topcoats Polymet® (aluminum-zinc) and PPI’s Aquazinc® (aluminum-zinc) or Aquablack. Polysol Zinc provides sacrificial protection of steel substrate and the topcoats (Polymet®, Aquazinc®, or Aquablack) provides a barrier coat.
  • Non-electrolytically applied and does not induce hydrogen embrittlement
  • Performs very well over zinc phosphate or grit blasted parts
  • Performed very well during testing without phosphating or grit blasting over heat treated parts without any cleaning or blasting
  • Resistance to automotive fluids
  • Heat resistant
  • Excellent protection against corrosion (1000+ hours)

Polysol Zinc is very economical by itself, but if used with one of PPI's water-based topcoats (Polymet®, Aquazinc®, or Aquablack), it will be more economical.
2 Coats of Polysol Zinc Dip/Spin process 8-12 µ 1000+ hours
2 Coats – 1 Coat of Polysol Zinc and 1 Coat of Polymet Dip/Spin process 8-12 µ 1000+ hours
2 Coats – 1 Coat of Polysol Zinc and 1 Coat of Aquazinc Dip/Spin process 8-12 µ 750+ hours
2 Coats – 1 Coat of Polysol Zinc and 1 Coat of Aquablack Dip/Spin process 8-12 µ 750+ hours
For more information please send your questions to info@premiumproductsinc.com or call 1-630-553-6160